Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another final table

Last night I made the final table in the $17,000 garauntee and finished in 5th place. I would have liked to win, but it wasn't in the cards for me this morning. Still a decent cash, not as pissed about the suckouts anymore.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Suckouts galore

So, this weekend has been totally uncool. I've been playing my best game and making sick reads and inevitably losing to the suckouts. I know suckouts are a part of the game, and poker players hate to hear suckout stories but I really need to vent because these were entirely uncool. In the $34,000 garuntee on Sunday my tournament was ended with the following hand: I held 33 in early position in a limped pot. The flop came JJ3. It was all in off the flop against JT and KJ. I couldn't have been happier to see those two hands. The turn was an A. The river a K. Fuck my life. In the $17,000 garuntee I called a min raise from and under the gun raiser with 67o. The flop came A66. The raiser led out for 200 (a min bet), I re-raised and he called. He led out the turn for another 200 and I re-raised again. He proceeded to re-raise me all in and of course I called. River ACE. On Monday, in the $34,000 garuntee I min raised to 320 with 66 in mid position. I was re-raised and called the 480 to see the flop putting him on AK. I led out for 1200 and was re-raised all in and called and he flipped over AQ high. Rivered a Q for the win. I can't even remember the amount of times that I have lost AQ to KJ yesterday. I never, and I mean never win that race. Enough for now. Gotta keep playing.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


On August 5, 2009 I made another final table in the $17,000 garuntee on Full Tilt Poker. I finished in 6th place, I wanted to place better but I won't complain about it. I was pretty surprised that I had won because the tournament got off to a pretty bad start. Before the first hour was even over I was down to 400 chips left in my stack. I recovered pretty nicely, and I was determined to make it to the final table.

I had been putting in many long hours in online tournaments, and after the most recent final table I haven't really felt like grinding it out for another 7 hours so I started playing some $24+2 and $10+1 45 player tournaments on Full Tilt. I had a couple of cashes and yesterday 8-6-2009 I managed to pull out a win in a $24+2.

That is pretty much it for now. Off to hit the tables again.